Dry Eye Treatment


Dry Eye Treatment

Serving you in Arlington Heights, Buffalo Grove  and the surrounding areas.


Dry eye treatment

A healthy eye requires the continuous production and drainage of tears. Tears keep the eye moist, help wounds heal, and protect against eye infection. Sufferers of dry eye have one or both eyes producing fewer tears or lower quality tears. This leads to an inability keep the surface lubricated and comfortable. As we age, the glands around eyes usually produce fewer tears. The wearing of contact lenses may also contribute to dry eye disease.

What are the symptoms of dry eyes?

Some symptoms of dry eye are as follows:
Blurred, changing or decreased vision
  • Dry Sensation
  • Excess tearing
  • Heaviness of the eyelids
  • Pain and redness of the eye
  • Scratchy or sandy feeling as if something is in the eye
  • Stinging or burning
  • Stringy discharge from the eye

How are dry eyes treated?

Artificial tears, which lubricate the eye, are the most common treatment for dry eye. They are available over-the-counter as eye drops. Sterile ointments are sometimes used at night to help prevent the eye from drying. People may also find comfort in using humidifiers, wearing wrap-around glasses when outside and avoiding windy and dry conditions. For people with severe cases of dry eye, temporary or permanent closure of the tear drain (small openings at the inner corner of the eyelids where tears drain from the eye) may also be helpful.

Intense Pulsed Light Therapy

Northwest Eye Physicians specializes in Intense Pulsed Light Therapy (IPL) for patients who have failed conventional dry eye therapy such as artificial tears or Restasis. This technology uses pulses of light applied to the eyelids to encourage movement of blocked oil and decrease overall inflammation. It is a newer procedure that we are happy to use as a safe and effective treatment for moderate to severe dry eye symptoms.
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